Agility Obedience Workshop Level 2


This is a follow-up to the Agility Obedience Workshop. In the Level 2 workshop, we will build on what you’ve learned and practiced, plus introduce a few new lessons to help you achieve better control and management of your dog.

Please note; that this is a workshop only for local students.

2 available Dates:

Wed. Jun. 5, 2024, at 5:30 PM

Sat. Jun. 8, 2024 at 11 AM

Register before Jun. 1, 2024, to get 20% off.


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Tools used:

  • A snap-on collar or a snap-on harness
  • A 6-foot leash
  • A faviroute toy of the dog (if necessary)

What would be covered?

  • We will work on the basic obedience commands that you learned in level 1.
  • We will work on new commands of come/recall and will combine all the commands in one effective exercise.
  • We will work on using these commands in real-life scenarios and daily life.
  • We will use the obstacles to practice the commands and challenge the students.
  • Limited exercises on socialization skills and focus.
  • Lessons and exercises that students can take home and practice. (sent by email)
  • Limited (2 weeks) email support.

Who is eligible:

  • Those who have attended the agility obedience workshop level 1.
  • Dog owners who are physically capable and are in good health condition.
  • Physically capable dogs, in good health condition, and non-aggressive or overly reactive to dogs and people.
  • The dogs do not have to be fully trained.
  • Fully trained or semi-trained dogs are welcome.
  • Dogs must be 6 months and older.
  • No refunds will be issued after payments.
  • All prices are in Canadian dollars.

Additional information

I agree.

• I hereby waive and release Saro Dog Training from all liability, which my dog may suffer, including specifically, but not without limitation, any injury or damage whatsoever arising from the dogs working with Saro Dog Training.